We had so many shared experiences because of our family's struggles with alcohol, yet I too have many fond memories of times with my dad. (We also fished with cane poles but used worms instead of corn.) As I age, I wonder what life might have been like without the chaos caused by the excessive drinking and the forced pretense that nothing was amiss. Where might I be today? Would I have made so many poor decisions as a young woman, struggling to cope with the loss of my young father? What if I had a supportive mother who encouraged me instead of one who demanded the spotlight and took to the drink herself? In my 70s, I am still coming to terms with the effects of the emotional trauma of a damaged childhood. But, I am stronger today and have learned that every day is a new opportunity to continue to create a better life.

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We've lived parallel lives, Teen! Those what ifs... Yes. Glad you're here. ❤️

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Thank you Mary . I barely remember my dad , yet do remember the year he took off work to spend time with me . Fishing laughing going to parks . Needed that today . hugs and peace

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Thank you for being here and commenting, mitch! Blessings to you today. ❤️

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Thank you, Mary ~ this touched my heart deeply this morning. ♥️

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Thank you , Mary. ❤️

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